The Art of Asking SMART Questions: A Guide for Software Engineers

25 Jan 2024

Eric Steven Raymond, a renowned American software developer, emphasized the importance of asking technical questions effectively in his essay. Stack Overflow, a popular platform among software developers, serves as a valuable resource for finding solutions to programming errors.

Stack Overflow

While various avenues exist for resolving technical queries, Stack Overflow remains a go-to platform. Developers often struggle to find solutions through conventional means such as web searches, reading manuals, or experimenting. In such cases, asking a well-thought-out question becomes crucial. The effectiveness of the response often hinges on the quality of the question posed.

SMART Benefits for Software Engineers

An exemplary “SMART” question, as witnessed on Stack Overflow, is one that provides precise information about the problem. For instance, a query about “getting req.body ReadableStream in nextjs14 app routing” demonstrated clarity and included relevant code snippets. The concise and clear description facilitated a helpful response, offering an alternative solution. This interaction showcased how SMART questions lead to efficient problem-solving.

A SMART Question

import express from "express";

const app = express();

app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }));"/WhateverYouWantAsPath", (req, res) => {
console.log("Post Request Received!")

Not-so-Smart Benefits for Software Engineers

Conversely, a not-so-smart question surfaced on Stack Overflow: “Need solution for extracting query params from URL of the browser when called from window.location.replace.” This question violated several guidelines, being overly lengthy and lacking clarity. The response highlighted the importance of presenting enough code to illustrate the issue. The lack of specificity resulted in an unsatisfactory answer, showcasing the drawbacks of not adhering to SMART principles.

Why Does the Question Matter

Asking SMART questions is paramount for software developers, as online answers are not always readily available. The community on platforms like Stack Overflow, comprised of experienced individuals, proves invaluable for troubleshooting technical problems. The ability to ask SMART questions demonstrates essential skills like communication, comprehension, and problem-solving, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

A Failed Question Leads to.. “perhaps show enough code to demonstrate what you’re trying to achieve - as it is, it may be easier to learn how to fix CORS - but then, I don’t quite get what it is you are trying to achieve”


The debate surrounding SMART questions in the software development community is ongoing. Nevertheless, the effective utilization of personal time by both questioners and answerers leads to positive outcomes, such as problem resolution and skill enhancement. While basic rules and respect should guide interactions, the technical aspect emphasizes exploring various avenues before seeking assistance. Stack Overflow emerges as a valuable repository of developer errors and solutions, aiding in progress within the coding community. Eric Steven Raymond provides insightful guidance on the art of asking technical questions. The checklist before posing a question emphasizes exhaustive efforts to find a solution independently, encouraging self-reliance and resourcefulness. Choosing the right forum and crafting precise subject headers are essential elements of asking SMART questions.