Veronica Parayno


Front End Web Development , Game Development (VR and AR) , Artificial Intelligence , Cloud Computing , Mobile App Development


Languages and Frameworks: C, C++, Javascript, HTML

Toolsets/OS: MacOS, Git/GitHub


University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

B.A., Computer Science (expected Fall, 2025)

  • CSCI Discrete Mathematics II
  • CSCI Algorithms
  • CSCI Software Engineering I,

2023 - Present


Customer Servicer, Frozen Delights

Contributed to the store's success by maintaining cleanliness, handling new inventory shipments, and significantly boosting sales.

  • Played a pivotal role in enhancing the sales of the esteemed establishment

2022 - 2022

Brand Associate, F21

As a Brand Associate, I excel in providing unparalleled customer service where I demonstrate efficiency in reorganizing garments, attending to customer areas, and seamlessly handling new inventory arrivals within a dynamic and fast-paced environment.

  • Excelled in customer service and maintaining store aesthetics
  • Handled new inventory in a fast-paced environment

2021 - 2016


Active Member, Katipunanclub

Actively participating in initiatives that celebrate Filipino culture and foster a sense of community.

  • Promote unity and awareness within the Filipino community

2023 - Present

Active Contributor, Notion

Passionate member contributing valuable insights and active participants

  • Foster a collaborative learning environment for optimizing workflows

2023 - Present


University of Hawai'i at Manoa Dean's List, Pheng Xiong, M.Ed.

Undergraduate student earned a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher based on 12 credits that did not receive grades of no credit, withdrawn, incomplete, failure.


Sciencepalooza, Synopsys Outreach Foundation

Earned Best Reused Material Design by creating a portable device to provide equitable access to vaccines in hot rural areas.



Available upon request