Dijkstra's algorithm

Project Overview: Dijkstra’s Algorithm Implementation


Imagine a maze with twists and turns (a weighted graph). Dijkstra’s algorithm is a way to find the quickest escape route (shortest path) from a starting point (source node) to any exit (other nodes). It considers the difficulty of each path (edge weights) and explores promising paths first, efficiently finding the best escape. This makes it ideal for code in navigation apps, network routing, and delivery services, where finding the most efficient path is crucial. In this project, I delve into the world of graph theory by implementing Dijkstra’s algorithm. The primary goal is to create a class, Weighted_graph, which allows users to construct, manipulate, and explore undirected weighted graphs. This class facilitates the calculation of the shortest distance between connected vertices, contributing to a fundamental understanding of graph-based algorithms.

Project Specifications:

  1. Class: Weighted_graph
    • Constructors:
      • Weighted_graph(int n = 50): Construct an undirected graph with n vertices (default is 50). If n ≤ 0, use n = 1.
    • Destructor:
      • ~Weighted_graph(): Clean up any allocated memory.
    • Accessors:
      • int degree(int n) const: Returns the degree of the vertex n. Throws an illegal argument exception if the argument does not correspond to an existing vertex. (O(1))
      • int edge_count() const: Returns the number of edges in the graph. (O(1))
      • double adjacent(int m, int n) const: Returns the weight of the edge connecting vertices m and n. If the vertices are the same, return 0. If the vertices are not adjacent, return infinity. Throws an illegal argument exception if the arguments do not correspond to existing vertices.
    • Mutators:
      • void insert(int m, int n, double w): If the weight w ≤ 0 or is infinity, throws an illegal argument exception. If w > 0, adds an edge between vertices m and n. If an edge already exists, replaces the weight of the edge with the new weight. Throws an illegal argument exception if the vertices do not exist or are equal.
      • double distance(int m, int n): Returns the shortest distance between vertices m and n. Throws an illegal argument exception if the arguments do not correspond to existing vertices. The distance between a vertex and itself is 0.0. The distance between vertices that are not connected is infinity.


This code defines a class named Weighted_graph that represents an undirected graph with weights on the edges. The purpose of this class is to provide functionalities for managing and manipulating weighted graphs. Here is a breakdown:

Constructors: It allows creating a graph with a specified number of vertices (default 50) and handles invalid inputs (negative or zero vertices). Destructor: It ensures proper cleanup of any memory allocated by the class. Accessors: These methods provide information about the graph’s structure and edges. * degree(int n): Tells you how many edges are connected to a specific vertex (n). * edge_count(): Returns the total number of edges in the graph. * adjacent(int m, int n): Given two vertices, it returns the weight of the edge connecting them (0 if same vertex, infinity if not connected). Mutators: These methods allow modifying the graph’s structure and edge weights. * insert(int m, int n, double w): Adds an edge between two vertices with a specified weight. It handles weight validity, duplicate edges, and invalid vertices. * distance(int m, int n): This is the key functionality. It finds the shortest distance (considering weights) between two vertices in the graph.

In essence, this Weighted_graph class provides a framework to build and manipulate weighted graphs, along with methods to access information about the graph’s structure and find the shortest paths between its vertices. This makes it useful for various applications that involve working with weighted graphs and finding optimal paths..

 * By submitting this file, I affirm that
 * I am the author of all modifications to
 * the provided code.
 * The following is a list of those students
 * I had worked together in preparing this project:
 * - Veronica Parayno

#ifndef nullptr
#define nullptr 0

#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include "Exception.h"

class Weighted_graph {
    int *deg;
    int edges;
    int size;
    double **weight_adj_matrix;
    static const double INF;

    Weighted_graph(int = 50);
    int degree(int) const;
    int edge_count() const;
    double adjacent(int, int) const;
    double distance(int, int) const;
    void insert(int, int, double);

    // Friends
    friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, Weighted_graph const &);

const double Weighted_graph::INF = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

Weighted_graph::Weighted_graph(int n) {
    if (n <= 0) {
        n = 1;

    deg = new int[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        deg[i] = 0;

    edges = 0;
    size = n;

    weight_adj_matrix = new double *[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        weight_adj_matrix[i] = new double[n];

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            weight_adj_matrix[i][j] = INF;

Weighted_graph::~Weighted_graph() {
    delete[] deg;

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        delete[] weight_adj_matrix[i];
    delete[] weight_adj_matrix;

int Weighted_graph::degree(int n) const {
    if (n < 0 || n > size - 1) {
        throw illegal_argument();
    return deg[n];

int Weighted_graph::edge_count() const {
    return edges;

double Weighted_graph::adjacent(int m, int n) const {
    if (n < 0 || m < 0 || n > size - 1 || m > size - 1) {
        throw illegal_argument();
    if (m == n) {
        return 0;
    return weight_adj_matrix[m][n];

double Weighted_graph::distance(int m, int n) const {
    if (n < 0 || m < 0 || n > size - 1 || m > size - 1) {
        throw illegal_argument();
    bool *visited = new bool[size];
    double *dist = new double[size];

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        visited[i] = false;
        if (m == i)
            dist[i] = 0;
            dist[i] = INF;

    visited[m] = true;
    int curr = m;
    int visitedCount = 1;
    int count = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        if (deg[i] != 0)

    while (visitedCount != count) {
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            if ((weight_adj_matrix[curr][i] != INF) && (!visited[i]) && (dist[i] > (dist[curr] + weight_adj_matrix[i][curr]))) {
                dist[i] = dist[curr] + weight_adj_matrix[i][curr];

        double minDistance = INF;
        int minNode = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            if (dist[i] < minDistance && visited[i] == false) {
                minDistance = dist[i];
                minNode = i;

        curr = minNode;

        if (curr == -1)
        visited[curr] = true;
        visitedCount += 1;

    delete[] visited;
    double distance = dist[n];
    delete[] dist;
    return distance;

void Weighted_graph::insert(int m, int n, double w) {
    if (w <= 0 || w == INF || n < 0 || m < 0 || n > size - 1 || m == size - 1 || m == n) {
        throw illegal_argument();

    if (weight_adj_matrix[m][n] != INF) {
        weight_adj_matrix[m][n] = w;
        weight_adj_matrix[n][m] = w;
    } else {
        weight_adj_matrix[m][n] = w;
        weight_adj_matrix[n][m] = w;

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, Weighted_graph const &graph) {
    return out;
